Today, it is my privilege to introduce you to two unique and courageous believers, whom I met on a recent trip to India:

India is a dangerous place for Christians. Furthermore radical Hindu groups throughout the country are notorious for using any means to eradicate other religions. These groups are steadily growing in number and influence. Tragically, Rohit and his wife, Shazia, (names changed for security reasons) have experienced firsthand their brutal persecution of Christ-followers like themselves.

In 2008, Hindu radicals burned down the home of Rohit and Shazia. Also their parents home was torched. Both families lost everything. Shazia’s brother was burned alive for his faith. Her cousin was hacked to death by his persecutors. He lost another part of his body each time he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

It’s hard for me to imagine the kind of pain Rohit and Shazia have suffered. In addition, the threat they have to live under each and every day. It’s even harder for me to imagine the depth of Shazia’s faith as she smiles and says, “Our God never left us. We have everything in Him and we are very blessed.”

Even in India’s dangerous environment, caring friends like you have made it possible for Rohit, Shazia and other courageous Christians to expand the gospel.

They have been trained in the Bridges method of communicating God’s Word in ways that speak powerfully to the hearts of their Hindu neighbors. Especially relevant to their culture the training incorporates the use of memorized Bible stories, dance, drama, poetry and song.

Now, this faithful couple are training other Christians in these effective, orality-based techniques of evangelism and discipleship. Rohit and Shazia are committed to doing all they can to accomplish the Great Commission in India. But the task is daunting:

Out of India’s estimated 1.3 billion people, the research group, The Joshua Project, currently reports that Christians officially comprise only 2.1 percent of the population.

Additionally, there are over 2,000 unreached people groups (UPGs) in India. This is more than any other country in the world. The vast majority of these groups are oral communicators.

As 2016 comes to a close, I urge you to prayerfully consider coming alongside Rohit, Shazia and other Christian leaders in India and South Asia with a special year-end gift to SIU.

It costs only $1,500 to $2,000 USD to train a group of 25 to 30 grassroots leaders in storytelling the Bible through the SIU Bridges programs. Your gift will equip national believers on the front lines of ministry—who risk their lives daily—to make a powerful difference for God’s Kingdom in 2017. Through your support of SIU’s Bridges training programs, you can take action to train and equip believers in some of the world’s most resistant and unreached regions of the world. You will enable them to have an opportunity to hear the gospel presented in a way that is culturally relevant.

To give, just go online at or send a check to this address: Scriptures in Use, 101 S. La Canada Dr., Ste. 49D, Green Valley, AZ 85614

May God bless you and your family during the remainder of 2016 and throughout the 2017 year ahead as you continue to live your unique life for Christ!

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