
One Family at a Time, Transformed Lives

This blog contains an audio file of the true story of a young couple and how they experienced God’s love and transformed lives first-hand through the power of God’s divinely inspired Bible Stories and the living, active Word of God.


Every Believer is a “Storyteller”

I never get tired of seeing and hearing the excitement of a new group of believers who catch the vision of using storytelling (being a storyteller) and the oral arts to reach and disciple their families and communities with the gospel. It’s one of the most powerful, electrifying experiences to attend a Bridges training event! We recently received a video from one of our newest SIU partners in the harvest fields of the Democratic Republic of Congo…

childlike faith

For the Kingdom of God belongs to those…

Do you remember the days of your youth, where as a child you had such an excitement for learning, imagining, trying and believing in new things? I remember how much fun and exciting it was to play, imagine and act out stories with my school buddies. We would play for hours in the backyard or in the neighbors front yard, often making a lot of messes along the way (with a frequent, “clean that up after you’re done” statement from my parents). It seems we would run out of daylight way too soon, but our hearts and minds would keep going all the way to bedtime. (And often it would take some additional “storytelling” time to finally settle us down). That open, receptive-to-learning heart attitude of a child is something our God cherishes and speaks directly to….


How Long? A Parable of Persistence

What is your persistence like? How many of you are currently seeking and asking God for answers to your prayers? I know I am. I get impatient and often cry out to God, asking when He will move on my concerns, begging for intervention with His unending mercy, grace and love. I am desperate, on my knees often, broken in Spirit and wondering when He will hear and provide answers to what I’m seeking help for. Recently…


Tragedy into Triumph

Severe persecution is a way of life for the Christian Church in the seven Islamic Republics of Central and Southwest Asia. Scriptures In Use is humbled to have trained and be currently partnering with believers in five out of these seven highly restrictive countries. Many hundreds have been equipped to share the message of Jesus and the Kingdom of God with their families, friends and neighbors in the effective SIU Bridges strategy. As they do, they live with the daily reality of tribulation. To God’s glory though, through their efforts, the Church of Jesus Christ triumphs and continues to grow where there were once no believers. They are able to turn tragedy into triumph.


Tribulation, Tragedy and Triumph

Just recently in September 2017, a key disciple-maker and Scriptures In Use partner in Southwest Asia was brutally gunned down by radical extremists claiming to belong to the ISIS network of terrorists. This intrepid follower of Jesus died almost instantly from six gunshot wounds as two hit teams on motorcycles ambushed him on the way to his home.

“Story” in Oral Cultures

The Impact of Using “Story” in Oral Cultures

Have you ever tried something new and been amazed (actually astonished) at the immediate, positive outcome? I remember when, as a young child growing up in the western U.S., trying to ride my bicycle without training wheels for the first time. Suddenly, with just a little more balance but without much more effort, I could go faster, turn right and left more quickly, and do special tricks on my baby-blue Schwinn bicycle. The smile on my face was so BIG that it stayed with me for days. Why didn’t I try it earlier? It takes courage to try new things, but once you do…

Orality Movement

Celebrating 30 years of ministry! Sept. CEO Blog Post

It’s incredible to think that it’s been over 30 years since Scriptures In Use (SIU) was officially incorporated as an Arizona-based US nonprofit by our three founding board directors: Jim Bowman, Carla Bowman and Gary Lovelace. God’s grace has truly abounded over the past 30 years. We have so many…


New Wine in New Wineskins

One of our biggest challenges here in the western world, especially in our ministry outreach efforts, is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results. Then when we see limited to no new impact from our same old efforts, we ponder in disappointment, “What went wrong?” Albert Einstein famously called this process the “definition of insanity.” Sometimes, when I’m doing the same routine as before, I have to tell myself, “STOP, Kent! Change your approach and your ways.” There is a parable in the Bible that clearly speaks to this issue …

Running from God

Running from God?

There are times in my past when I felt so alone and isolated that I wondered how I ever got myself into such a dark place. I had to face the disappointing reality of my poor walk with God. My lack of trust and spiritual growth were the result of having turned my back on God. Actually, there have been times when I was even running from God. That’s not a good place to be! It’s happened to many of us—even to God’s most dedicated servants and prophets in the Bible. There are Elijah, Jonah, Hagar, and others….